Monday, June 27, 2011

Day Three

Michael just got the last roll of film from our trip developed. We spent the last night in a beautiful cabin in the middle of nowhere and went on a trail ride the next morning.

I hope to eventually take more photos of things that are happening here but I only have a very old digital camera that has no USB cable. Ugh. Michael has plenty of very nice cameras but they're all film and we all know how time-consuming that can be. So the goal is to save up and buy a decent camera to show you all the wonderful things going on (like the banana peppers in the garden starting to grow!)

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Hi there!
Its been over a year since my last post. I knew that would happen. Luckily, I'm back and I have plenty to blog about!
My hiatus lasted through my twenty-second birthday, Halloween, Christmas, a blizzard, two camping trips, a move and an engagement.
I'm happy to be back and excited to share all the new things in my life.

Here are a few photos to get you caught up.

Love, Stephanie